average size: 3.4 inches, 1.5 oz.
what's going on with baby: "Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth."
crazy how much is going on in there each week!
but as for this past week, not much has gone on with us pregnancy-wise! i'm absolutely THRILLED that my 9 straight days of bad headaches (with one migraine thrown in for fun!) seem to be over with. all pregnant women can really take for pain is tylenol which does absolutely nothing. i tried a bit of caffiene, cool cloths, warm heading pads, hot showers...everything. nothing seemed to help! in my pregnancy book, it actually said that headaches are really common around this time, so i guess that's why!
i've been working more on painting the mural in the nursery since my belly is starting to get a bit bigger and i want all the painting done before it gets harder to do! once it's finished, i'll be sure to post pics. i'm really in love with it!
we've also started meal planning for the week. i know...you're thinking, "YOU DON'T MEAL PLAN?!" because it feels like we're the only ones on earth who don't haha...but, we are really trying to save money wherever we can, and this will help tremendously.
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it was 10 for $10 on pasta...don't judge. |
for the 7 years that i've known erik, every night we would walk to the grocery store, get what we want to make for dinner, and make it. now, we decided what we will do is look through the giant eagle ad on wednesday, figure out what we'd like to make for the upcoming week based on sales, and then go shopping on the weekend for it. so one main trip (again...like most people lol), and then if we need random things like a zuchinni during the week for a pasta bake or whatever, we could go and pick one up. we're also doing "pasta thursdays" each week because pasta is super cheap! and we always had spaghetti on thursdays growing up and i LOVED IT hahaha...yeah, i'm italian. we will probably also buy one of those cheap rotissary chickens each week because they are only like $5, relatively healthy, absolutely delicious, and last for more than one meal! can't beat that!
so yeah! trying to be smarter about meals and cooking. once baby is here and later on once he/she starts eating solids, i also plan on making all our own baby food. i like knowing exactly what my baby will be eating, and talk about another money saver! won't be hard to do, either. especially since when we plant things in our garden this year, we plan to keep baby in mind, so we can plant fun things like sweet potatoes!
sorry this blog post has been more about figuring out meal stuff and saving money more than baby! but, not much has happened this past week, so i thought i would share other things going on. next week will be much more interesting, i hope! we have a monthly doctor appointment tomorrow (so excited to hear the heartbeat again!), and at the end of it before we leave is when we schedule when our ultrasound will be to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!!! it will be scheduled for sometime around mid-february! so excited for that!!!
Hurray for a lemonbaby! I, too, had terrible headaches around this time. Tylenol sucks ass. Glad to hear they're over for you! I can't believe the big ultrasound is so close! Eeeee! :)
ReplyDeleteyayy!! I don't meal plan either... I would really like to. I've even like to make one of those pretty dry erase meal plan picture frame I've seen on pinterest. lol we'll see... it will happen. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the headaches are over with!!! :)
Love your grocery bill receipt with the savings. Darin just loves seeing the savings at the end of the receipt, and gets unusually excited about it! I can't believe the gender reveal is coming so soon. Woot woot!