Monday, February 13, 2012

week 19

mango baby!

average size: 6.0 inches, 8.5 oz.
what's going on with baby: "Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature."

okay then! hahaha...
and a week from tomorrow we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!!! the big anatomy ultrasound! we'll find out more than just that though. they will scan pretty much all of baby's body to make sure everything is developing properly and measure some things too. really excited! and hopefully baby cooperates and doesn't have it's legs crossed so we can see if it's a boy or a girl!

and i think it's safe to say that i'm for sure feeling baby move now :) they are very light feelings, but every once in a while, i'll feel something different, and i dont think i've felt it before! so i'll go with baby haha...and every now and then i feel like a little "flick" in there, so maybe that's a kick? again, it's light, but it feels like a flick of a finger from inside my tummy haha...can't believe baby is 6 inches now though! that's also the size of a dollar bill! erik was so cute this week. out of no where, he came out of his office from studying and into the family room, crossed his arms in a cute pouty joking way and said, "I wanna feel the baby" hahaha...i told him he will eventually :) and reminded him that he might be okay with me feeling it before him when i'm the one PUSHING it out of me hahaha...

and i got my first weird random craving!!! runny egg over rice.

yep. that's right.

i have NEVER had this before. but out of no where i wanted it. instead of JUST having that, i decided to make katsudon, which is basically a rice bowl, with other veggies and fried pork, including the runny egg.

it really hit the spot :) YUM! actually, lately i've been hungry all the time! it's like my stomach is a black hole! i'll eat dinner, and 20 minutes later i'll still be hungry :( i'm trying to snack on healthy things like fruit though because i'm hoping to only gain the recommended 25-30 lbs. for the whole pregnancy. it's just hard when my stomach is growling all the time!

next week the blog will be updated on tuesday instead of monday because our ultrasound is on tuesday, so i figured that would be a more interesting post to do rather than waiting another week for it haha...can't wait to say "he" or "she" instead of "it" or "baby"! 


  1. Ahh soo exciting that you are feeling the baby now! I cannot believe you're going to find out the gender next week. I feel like it was just not too long ago that you told me you had 5 weeks to the gender reveal... and now it is so soon.

    Your katsu-don looks amazing. I wished we lived closer so you can make ME some! Looks delicious!

  2. i know! i feel like time is flying (which i guess is a good thing)! can't believe it. thanks about the katsudon! i wish we lived closer too! i would totally make you all sorts of yummy food! haha :)

  3. oh, really? Hmmm.... maybe I need to start making a list of food I want to eat... katsu don, ramen, black sesame ice cream, matcha shortbread cookies, miso chicken, green tea ice cream... :)
