when parents-to-be ask me what is a baby item i particularly love with remi, one of the "must have" items that i always advise new parents to get is the puj tub. puj is an amazing company that comes up with simple, very useful ideas for you and your baby. i very quickly fell in love with them, and the puj tub, and so did remi. even for her first bath ever, she cried only for a few seconds before feeling comforted by the cozy puj tub.
remember this pic from a while ago? she clearly is comfy in her puj tub! haha
recently, puj gave me one of their new products to try: the puj hug. this could not come at a more perfect time! 2 days earlier, i was talking to erik and telling him how bath time is so easy with remi, but the part that is the hardest is getting her out of the tub and onto the towel (which is in our bedroom because we have no counter space in our bathroom) because i drip water all over the place, and holding her up against me obviously gets me all wet.
well, enter the puj hug.
how incredibly smart! basically, it's a towel that simply wraps around your neck and has silicone ties to interlock the corners together.
i was so anxious to try it! remi LOVES baths, so we tried it that night.
first of all, as a graphic designer, i pay very close attention to packaging, and how cute is this?!
when you take the towel out of the package, this adorable little note from the creator appears. i love little details like that.
secondly, this towel is SOFT. like...SOFT soft. softer than i expected, and nice and thick. i wish erik's and my towels felt like this! they have a bigger version for bigger kids too...maybe i'll buy that one for us hahaha ;)
anyway! i gave remi her bath, and gave it a try afterwards. easy to put on, and i loved being able to pick her up out of the bath, and snuggle her up on my chest wearing the towel. so cozy! it's also very easy to take off, so you can wrap your little one up in the towel.
another cool part with the interlocking silicone tabs is that you can hook it onto the back of your door for easy out of the way storage. here it is with our wonderful puj tub! our bathroom is very small, so i love how i can store these things like this.
i highly recommend the puj hug. it has made bath time so much easier for me since i often bathe remi alone while erik is studying at med school. she absolutely loved the towel. it was like a cozy little blankie for her!
we love it!!! if you would like to get one yourself, use the promo code "PUJHUGS10" to get 10% off a puj hug, or a puj big hug if you have an older child :) the code is only good until may 31, 2013 so use it quick!