Monday, August 13, 2012

1 month

wow! how can we be at the 1 month mark already?! i think that was the quickest month of our lives! so much has happened.

here is her 1 month pic:

compared to her 1 week pic:

our first night home from the hospital was horrific. we literally got no sleep at all because she was screaming the ENTIRE night. we tried everything: feeding her, changing her diaper, burping her...everything! the problem was the feeding part. she would NOT do it! every "typical" breastfeeding position i would try immediately caused her to scream bloody murder. i would even just START to go into one of the positions, and she would flip out! when she would latch on, it was only for a few seconds, and we noticed she hadn't had a poopy diaper since the hospital, so we knew she wasn't eating enough. so, i called the pediatrician's office right when they opened the next morning, and told them what was going on. thankfully, they double booked, and squeezed us in.

once we got there, we worked with the lactation consultant, and remi was still highly avoiding breastfeeding. the nurse suggested we go out and buy a pump because we needed to get food into her asap. remi was down a whole pound :( and she only weighed 6 lbs. 15 ounces at birth. so we went home, quickly looked for ANY coupons online since breast pumps are like $300, found one, and then erik ran out to babies r us to buy one. i pumped as soon as he got home, and she took the bottle like a champ!!! i wasn't sure how she would do since a bottle is so foreign to her, but thank GOODNESS she chugged the thing.

the pediatrician's office double booked the next day for us again because they wanted to see how much she gained in 24 hours with the pumped milk. she gained 3 whole ounces! they were hoping for 1/4 oz.! then 2 days later she gained another 4 oz! we were so relieved. it was scary! also during this time, i continued working with her on breastfeeding because i didnt want to exclusively pump. she still hated all the holds though, so i sort of came up with one. i knew she liked to be in this little "frog" position while she is on my chest for skin-to-skin contact, so i basically just moved her down, and to the left or right (for whichever breast i wanted to use). looks sort of like this:

this drawing was of the woman reclining back, so i just photoshopped it so she is sitting straight up, since that's what i do with remi's a weird position, but it was the only one she would do! so, it was an extremely expensive pump purchase for about 3 days of use, but we did what we had to do (and i guess now we have a nice pump if i need to stock up on milk a bit). 

about a week or so later, i tried the cradle hold typical breastfeeding position to see if she would go for it, and she did. it was like she didn't care anymore! so i did that for a few days, but noticed she was getting really bad gas pains and screaming for hours because of it :( i thought maybe something in my diet was affecting her, so i cut out all dairy for a day. but then i realized her gas pain started about the same time i started the cradle hold position, so i went back to the frog position, and she's been better since! i think her sitting upright while feeding is what really helps. 

speaking of breastfeeding has been really tough. it's extremely painful. like...feels like your nips are getting cut off with a razor blade painful. you would think something so natural would be easier! but nope! it hurts like crazy and really tests your limits. at the 3 week mark it started to get better, but then she went through her 3 week growth spurt, and was feeding every 30-45 minutes, so i couldn't catch a break and they started hurting badly all over again. ugh. still working on it though. 

the day we brought her home from the hospital

2 weeks later

anyway! other things! 

my pubic bone pain is gone! about a week after delivery, it just disappeared! i can walk again!!! i told erik and my mom that i'm pretty sure postpartum depression would be impossible for me because i automatically feel so AMAZING to be able to walk again! however, i found if i walk too much, it can start to hurt a bit again, so i can't get TOO excited and walk for miles and miles. but the fact i can walk to even the kitchen again with no pain is enough to keep me on cloud 9. 

the days have pretty much been a blur. in the beginning, she slept a lot more, and now she is awake more during the day. we had to sort of switch her schedule around because babies are born automatically being more nocturnal since that's how they were in the womb. so switching her from night to day was something we had to do, but she's getting much better at night now. i have more confidence she will stay asleep when i set her down now than before when i would set her down and 10 minutes later she would wake up (which is the last thing you want at the end of the day when you are exhausted!). 

july 19th

july 29th

the most hilarious picture i have of remi, to date. by the way, she's not screaming...
her mouth is just wide open hahaha...

we go to bed anytime between 11pm and 1am now. i give her her last feeding before bed, burp her, then change her diaper if need be, then swaddle her, then burp her again (patting her back makes her eyes heavy lol), then i go upstairs and walk with her for a few minutes until her eyes completely close, then i put her down and cross my fingers. it's been working well though. lately she will sleep for 3-3.75 hours, then i repeat the feeding process above, then she will sleep another 2-2.75 hours, then i repeat the process above, then she will sleep about another 2 hours, and i repeat the process above and then it's time to get up for the day. when the sun rises, she doesn't really go back to sleep. 

she really likes bath time! during her first one, she cried at first, but then she liked it. now, she doesn't cry at all! we use the puj tub, and she absolutely LOVES it (and so do i)! it's so convenient. 

something else that has been SUPER helpful (and i recommend to all new parents) is the "itzbeen" timer:

simply put, it is my new brain. like i said before, days/time sort of all blurs together, so having this little guy is SO handy. it keeps track of your last diaper change, feeding, how long the baby has been sleeping, and it has an extra timer for whatever you want. it also has a switch for left breast or right breast so you can remember which one you used last. I LOVE THIS THING. you can also get apps on your phone that do similar things, but erik uses this timer too, so if i were out running an errand or something and had my phone with the app on it with me, he couldnt use the timer on it. i dunno, i just like that this is a separate thing than a phone. 

cloth diapers!

so, we tried using the cloth diapers to see if they would fit her yet, and we're almost there, but i'm not quite comfortable that they wont leak yet. there is a bit of gapping by her thighs, so we're going to keep using disposables a bit longer until she chunks up more haha...still really excited to use them though!

overall, remi is a great baby. she really doesn't complain unless there is a reason. sure there have been some awful nights/days when she just wont sleep or something, but then she will smile at you, and you sort of just forget about those bad times. she has already grown so much, i can't believe it. speaking of smiles...she gives erik a super cute one (at 3:10) in this video i took!

love it!
can't wait to see what else she surprises us with in the next month!

Friday, July 20, 2012

birth story

this whole story has some TMI in it, so keep that in mind! also, i really hope you like to read!

--july 12--

2am - went to bed. normal night.

5am - started to get light cramping. usually only got one here and there in the past, but these seemed like they could be timable, so i started to time them with a contraction app on my phone. they were about 5-6 minutes apart, and i thought this could be it. timed them for a few hours, ate breakfast, and took a shower.

9am - still had the cramping, so i woke erik up and said he might be a dad today haha

11:30am - went to the bathroom, and there was some brown blood on the toilet paper. called my midwife office at this point because i wanted to make sure everything was okay. i know red blood is bad, so i was glad it wasn't red. they asked a few questions, and got me in an appointment 45 minutes later.

12:15pm - had our appointment to see if i was in actual early labor or not. since i had JUST seen everyone at the office the day before, they were VERY surprised to see me! afterall, the day before, i was only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced! they hooked me up to a monitor that shows them remi's heartbeat as well as my contractions and how strong they are. at this point, they were a smidge stronger than at 5am, so i knew things were headed in the right direction. they also checked my cervix, and i was at a 2.5cm, and she said she could stretch it to a 3. amazing what one day can do! so, she asked if we had our hospital bag with us (we did, just in case), and then she suggested that i go to the hospital because she believed me to be in early labor. she also suggested that if we had time, to go home first, eat/drink something small since they wouldn't let me eat anything after admiting me into labor and delivery. i figured we still had some time to drive home first, so we did, ate some blueberries, drank a little water, and off we went to the hospital.

3:10pm - arrived at the hospital. by this point, my contractions were stronger, and still at about 4-6 minutes apart. walked to OB triage, they checked me in, and hooked me up to the same type of machine that i was hooked up to at my midwife office to monitor me for an hour. they also checked my cervix at the beginning. so, i layed there for an hour, having pretty strong contractions now, and erik and i both said, "i dont see why they wouldn't admit us".


an hour goes by, and they check my cervix again. no progress was made. i was still at 2.5cm, so, they told us to GO HOME.

are you kidding me?! these contractions were strong enough to EASILY stop me in my tracks, make me nautious (i felt like i was going to throw up a few times), and were varying between 4-6 minutes apart. we live 25 minutes away, so there was no way we were driving back home since they said to come back when the contractions were a little more closer together or when i was getting 6 an hour (which makes NO sense since i was getting 12 an hour ALREADY. ugh.). so, we walked to the cafeteria (with me having to lean up against the walls every time i would get a contraction...) to try and waste time. i tried to eat a little bit, but i was so nauseous i couldnt eat much. i just kept track of the frequencies of my contractions on my phone.

6:08pm - after an hour and a half of being embarrassed in the cafeteria (trying my hardest not to moan loudly in pain), my contractions became 2.5-3.5 minutes apart, so we went back to triage to let the nurses know.

they looked surprised to see me so soon, but i was in so much pain. they put me in a room again to monitor me, and we were in there for 3 hours. 3 more long hours of very strong contractions 2-3 minutes apart, but i was so glad i could be in a private room to moan/groan/swear and not around a bunch of strangers in a public cafeteria! finally they came in to check my progress and they said i was about 4-5cm now and that they would probably let me stay and move me to a labor/delivery room. THANK GOODNESS. about 30 minutes later, a wheelchair arrived for me, and off we went to the room i would deliver remi in!

by the way, i know people say contractions are bad, but they are seriously SO bad. they are hard to describe. my best description would be to say it feels like you are getting smashed between two cars. also, you get really hot. my ears kept turning red lol...

10:15pm - got situated in the room and was told i was at 6cm, and that the anesthesiologist was notified that i wanted an epidural, but, they had to do some blood work and ask me a bunch of medical questions first. LUCKILY, i had already filled out the hospital pre-register paperwork at home and brought it with me because i think that cut down on a lot of the questions. everything still took about another 45 minutes so the anesthesiologist didnt arrive until about 11. then HE asked me a bunch of medical history questions, and had to give the whole legal big speech about the things that COULD go wrong with an epidural, all while i'm going through incredibly strong contractions and wanting to scream, "THAT'S NICE. SHOOT IT IN ME ALREADY!!!" hahaha...eventually he got started though, and erik had to leave the room which was a bummer. they said sometimes husbands faint, so they can't risk it. the nurse helped hold me though because you obviously have to stay completely still when someone is stabbing your spine with a needle.

the epidural was weird. not really painful? i guess compared to the contractions, not painful at all just sort of felt weird. a little stinging sensation, then a cool liquid sensation as he injected it in me. oh, and he did all this while i was going through contractions, so that made it even more scary/hard to hold still! but, it worked really fast, and soon i was in heaven!!! he also said how he gave me just enough to take away the contractions/pain, but allow me to still feel pressure because it's much easier to push a baby out when you can still somewhat feel what you're doing! i remember thanking him a lot hahaha...and soon erik was back in the room too.

11:45pm - two nurses came in and said they would like to break my water to get things moving. i said i didn't really want to do that because i heard there is more of a risk for a c-section because once you break your water, there is a time limit on how long baby can stay in there. turns out that time limit is 24 hours, and they said there is no way it would take that long to get her out. one of them said they got off work at 7am, and fully believed i would have my baby by that point. breaking your water is only something you dont want to do in the beginning stages of labor since it can take a long time until you have the baby. so, i agreed to it, but they said they would do it at 1am so that my body had a chance to do it on its own, and also so erik and i could have some time to rest since they knew i only had 3 hours of sleep the night before. well, yeah right! now that the pain was gone, i was back to being excited and i couldn't sleep hahaha...but oh well. i layed there and waited.

--july 13th--

1am - nurses came back in the room and broke my water! i couldn't really feel too much because of the epidural (which was fine with me), but i could feel a slight gush/drip of liquid. erik said it looked gross hahaha...the nurses also mentioned how they would like to give me some pitocin to get things moving, but i really put my foot down on this one. i did NOT want pitocin. one nurse understood more than the other, so she said she would let us wait/rest another hour or so, and see how things were going at that point. i agreed, hoping my body would just do things on its own! during that wait, i could feel some extra pressure down below. honestly, it felt like her head was traveling down, but i didn't fully know since i had the epidural. i just knew i felt a lot more pressure and that it sort of felt like i had to poop hahaha...

2:30am - a nurse came back in and said how the midwife who was on call that night was done delivering the baby at the other hospital and could come deliver remi if i wanted her to. YES!!!!! i was so happy to hear this!!! you see, it's first-come, first-served when the midwife or OB in our practice is working. some other woman went into labor before me, and she was at a different hospital, so the midwife went there. when that happens, the 2nd person gets the OB who is on-call. the one who was on call for me, i wasn't exactly fond of. first of all, it was a guy, and i really just wanted a woman to deliver. secondly, i had met this doctor at our 11 week appointment, and i just didn't like him that much. he was okay, but he was sort of all business, and i worried with me giving birth, maybe he wouldn't respect my birth plan wishes as much as a midwife would (for example, no episiotomy). so, when she said the on-call midwife could come, i immediately said, "YES!!!" she got to the hospital at around 3am, checked my progress, and asked me, "do you feel some extra pressure in like...your butt?" and i said, "yes...?" and she said because i feel her head RIGHT here! it's time to push!

3:20am - everything was quickly put together, and soon erik was holding one of my legs and the nurse was holding the other leg and they were cheering me on to push! when a contraction would come, they told me to give 3 pushes close together. as in, push REALLY hard, exhale, immediately inhale a deep breath, push really hard again, exhale, immediately inhale a deep breath, and push really hard again. you do this so that the baby's head can get past the pelvic area without scooting back up again in long pauses between pushes. once the head is past the pelvis, it just can't scoot back up. so, i did what i was told, and remi was born in 20 minutes! just like 5-6 rounds of that pushing, and she was here!

3:39am - the time that remi was born! it was amazing :) i had a mirror, so i could see her be born! it was so surreal watching myself push remi out. once her shoulders were out, they let erik grab her, so he helped with deliveing her and he placed her on my chest! it was SO cool that they let him do that!!! i remember looking down at her screaming little blue body in disbelief. i couldn't believe she was finally here, and i was holding this little gooey baby. things were sort of in slow-mo. i would look at her, then at erik, then back at her, and i think i just kept saying, "hi, remi! it's okay! it's okay, baby!" while tearing-up. i loved that moment. it was amazing.

the rest of the hospital stay went just fine, but i couldn't wait to get out!!! it was nice having the extra help around so i could ask any questions that would pop up, but i really wanted to go home and relax. the 48 hours that we stayed there felt like a week! and, we didnt really get a lot of sleep while there. funny thing is, it wasn't because of remi! she was fine, and slept pretty much the entire time! it was because the hospital staff would come in like every 5 minutes! nurses to check me, nurses to check remi, nurses to take remi to the nursery to get checked out there, housekeeping, pediatricians, food service, you name it, they were in there. they were always spaced out perfectly so you couldnt really get sleep i was ready to be done with THAT! at least remi slept through it all one point, i fell asleep and i guess a nurse came in to get my vitals (like they did once an hour), and erik told them to come back later because i was finally sleeping! lol...they said it was fine, and left.

i still look at her every day and can't believe she's finally here and that she's ours to keep forever. we're both so in love with her and can't wait to all have adventures together :) also can't believe she is 1 week old already today!!!

we love you, remi harper <3

Monday, July 9, 2012

week 40

average size: 18.9 to 20.9 inches, 6.2 to 9.2 lbs.
what's going on with baby: "She's continuing to grow hair and nails, and she's keeping up that lung development, too. Happy due date! You made it! Since 40 weeks was the deadline you set for baby, you’ve probably already made sure the bassinet is made up, the car seat is installed and your hospital bag is by the door. Now, do some little things you might have forgotten, like making sure your cell phone is fully charged before you go to bed and the car is filled with gas. Some moms-to-be also choose to put a waterproof mattress cover on their bed, just in case their water breaks in the middle of the night. It’s not a must-do, but it’s not a bad idea either."

I HAVE ALREADY DONE ALL THOSE THINGS WEEKS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha...not gonna lie...when i typed in "week 40" as the title of this post, i was a little perturbed lol...even though it's her due date, i think all women hope their babies will come a smidge early and you never have to reach that "week 40" mark. but, she's still cookin' i guess! can't be much longer now, so i just have to stay patient.

here's the bump photo! this SHOULD be my last one! hopefully!!! (as i jinx myself lol...)

and, ummmmm....we really didn't do much this past week. everything is done, so i just tried to keep busy and i started working a bit on her scrapbook.

i got this scrapbook a couple years ago from an old friend, and never got to use it for anything, so it was perfect for remi! 

i don't have too much to add to the book yet, so this didn't take me very long, but i'm really excited to show her one day when she's older because i remember looking at the scrapbooks my mom put together for my brother and i, and i really thought they were so cool! i just love looking at old stuff :) 

i didn't glue anything down because i want her to be able to pull things out and look at them. the plastic sheets are great for keeping everything together.

i also got bored and morphed our faces together on this website to "see" what remi "will look like" hahaha...

cute! but this is an older baby, so i guess we'll have to wait and see if she ends up looking like this one day lol...

this past week at my midwife appointment, i finally got to see maureen!!! remember a while back when i said  i made her wedding cake years ago and that she was going to be joining the midwife group i see?

the cake i made for her :)
well last week was the first time i got to see her at an appointment! just right before the end of my pregnancy! it was so nice to catch up with her and see her again since it's been years since she got married. since i'm at the end though, i probably unfortunately won't get to see her again unless she is the one to catch the baby, so we'll see! that would be awesome!

also...i'm really hoping there isn't a "week 41" post i'll just say now what i plan on doing once she is born. i'll probably blog once a month with things that have happened each month in her life. that way, i'll never forget the cute little things she's done :) so probably no more weekly posts after she's here because things will just get too hectic. maybe i'll do random posts here and there with the monthly posts, who knows haha...all i know is that i really like blogging because i like looking back on things and remembering little details i might normally forget :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

week 39

average size: 18.9 to 20.9 inches, 6.2 to 9.2 lbs.
what's going on with baby: "She's probably able to flex her limbs now. Her brain is still rapidly developing -- she's getting smarter by the week! Her nails may extend past her fingertips."

39 weeks!!! gahhhhhhhhh!!! so impatient. here's the bump photo:

at this past week's midwife appointment, i had made no progress. still 1cm and 40%, so we'll see what happens tomorrow when i get checked again!

we set up a few more baby items to pass the time :) first up was the rainforest bouncer! and of course kahlua had to investigate...

but after he circled around all the parts and inspected it all, he decided to just go inside the box it came in hahaha...i guess that's the coolest part to a cat.

this thing takes four D batteries! sheesh!

but it looks so preeeeeetty once it's put together :) the waterfall part moves, and it mesmerized us, so hopefully it will mesmerize remi too haha

and then we also put together her fun animal playmat :)

so cute! can't wait to put her on it :)

i also made "jump start your labor cookies" on thursday night is the recipe:

but as you can tell from me writing this post NOT from my hospital room, they clearly did not work lol...she maybe kicked around a little more, but that was it. i think she was just happy to get cookies, and she realizes that once she is out, she will no longer GET cookies for a while, so she stays in. little stinker...these cookies were actually quite yummy though, and i was glad to see that the first ingredient wasn't "castor oil" lol...they just taste like gingersnaps with a little extra "kick" because of the cayenne pepper. erik LOVED them maybe i will save the recipe for later on sometime. they would be a great fall cookie. 

my friend noah also drew this little comic of me, and i think it describes my life quite perfectly at the moment!

it's so cute and hilarious :) i absolutely love it!

oh! and we also put a shower curtain down on the bed under the fitted sheet just in case my water decides to break in the middle of the night hahaha...i do NOT want to ruin our incredibly comfy mattress!!!

c'mooooooon remi! we're ready for youuuuu!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

week 38

average size: 18.9 to 20.9 inches, 6.2 to 9.2 lbs.
what's going on with baby: "She may have about an inch or so of hair already. She's slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth."

i thought i would make some cookies as a thank you for my midwife and nurses who will be taking care of me at the hospital during and after labor/delivery.

i know it's their job, and they get paid for it, but they work very hard and can have extremely long hours, so i thought homemade cookies would be a nice treat for them! plus, i could easily make them in advance and just freeze them until it's time to head out the door to go to the hospital.

we LOVE this recipe for chocolate chip cookies. like...LOVE love. the cookies turn out so soft and delicious on the inside with the tiniest bit of crispyness on the outside:

here's all the ingredients! oh, and i normally just use the normal size chocolate chips, but i had leftovers of regular and mini, so i just combined for this time instead of buying a new bag haha...i already had all the other ingredients, so i was good to go!

making the yummy dough...

pretty much wish i could just dive into this photo

and the 24 cookies are all rolled out and ready to be popped in the oven!

i follow the recipe's instructions exactly, baking for 9 minutes, but then i let them rest on the cookie sheet for 5 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack. i do not wait for the edges to start to brown before taking them out of the oven.

when they come out of the oven, they sometimes look like they could be a bit raw in the center still, but by the time they cool down, they are PERFECT.

and here they are all sealed up and ready for the freezer! i put a sheet of wax paper in between the 2 layers of cookies, and used our vacuum sealer to get almost all the air out of the ziplock bag. it worked better than i thought since it's not made to work with ziplock bags. i was able to fit 18 out of the 24 cookies in the bag, so i just chose the best looking ones.

see you again, cookies, when remi decides to make her appearance! i've never frozen cookies before, so i hope they stay okay. everything on the internet says they will (and my mom freezes different cookies every year for xmas), but i've never tried it before!

my appointment this past week with my midwife went well! she did another exam on me, and i was 1cm dilated and 40% effaced! progress! the exam the week before i had nothing! now, i can't get TOO excited because i could stay this way for 3 more weeks lol...checking how far i am isn't really all that helpful since things can go extremely slow, or extremely fast, however, something about it still makes me feel good. makes me feel like my body is doing something right! so it's still a smidge motivating. i just have to remind myself that if tomorrow i haven't progressed any further when she checks me, that that's okay!

we also had a breastfeeding class last wednesday. it was...alright. i knew everything already, so i'm glad it was free (offered by our county's government office). in my opinion, i won't TRULY know what i'm doing until she is here and i can practice since every baby is different, but i'm at least informed already on everything so i know some things/techniques going in.

on friday we met remi's pediatrician!!! i asked my midwife if she recommended anyone, and right next door to the midwives/OBGYNs, there is a pediatrician practice who is affiliated with our hospital! perfect! they have many satellite offices, and this was just one, so they only have 2 peds there and a nurse/lactation consultant, but this was EVERYTHING i wanted! so i made an appointment to meet with one of the peds to ask a few questions.

i LOVE her. could not have gone any better! in the waiting room they have a sick-child area and a well-child area (something i wanted to look for), and she answered all my questions with really in-depth responses. i wanted to find someone i love as much as the midwives i see, and she is perfect! so nice, and i love how it's a small office because the communication between doctors/nurses seems to be INCREDIBLE, and you know how i am with organization veeeeerry happy :) YAY! another check off the list, and i got to fill out more of the hospital pre-registration paperwork since we are definitely choosing her!

another week down, and another week closer to remi being in our arms! here is this week's bump photo!

Monday, June 18, 2012

week 37

new and FINAL fruit!!! watermelon baby! and i am now considered "full term"!

average size: 18.9 to 20.9 inches, 6.2 to 9.2 lbs.
what's going on with baby: "At 37 weeks, your baby has reached full term. That means she’s developed her most crucial functions. Of course, she’ll get even healthier and stronger over the next few weeks, so don’t get too impatient. She's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking."

this past week we installed the car seats! YAY! that means we can actually take remi home from the hospital now since they won't let you leave without a properly installed car seat. my grandpa bought us this travel system that we had on our registry (and i'm in love with it so far!):

and my aunt ria got us an extra base which is SUPER handy because that means each car can have it's own base installed and we can just swap out the carrier part to whichever car we decide to use. especially since once you install the base, you want to make sure it's REALLY tight in there, so switching one base from car to car would be annoying, time consuming, and possibly dangerous.

my aunt ria also got us this car seat protector since erik's car has leather seats. it's pretty great!

so first we installed the base into erik's car. and by "we", i mean, "erik did, and i took photos" seats now have this "latch" system which is really nice and secure! you just take the latches and clip them into your car's specified location for them then tighten like CRAZY. i mean, stick your foot in the bottom of the base to push it down on the car's seat, and PULL that belt as tight as you can. you know you've done a good job if after you lock it down, you can't budge the base more than an inch left or right. you also want to check your car's manual to see where they recommend you install your car seat. i'm pretty sure almost ALL will say in the middle (and rear-facing), but depending on your car's features, the safest might be on the left or right side of the car, so just check your car's manual real quick before installing. 

here's erik locking it down after tightening it. he did such an awesome job! it didn't budge at ALL when we tried to shake it haha...

working so hard...being a great papa :)

and then we put the carrier part in to make sure it fit and that it was level (it has a little gauge with a ball on the side that tells you if it's in the right spot or not. love it!)

next it was my car's turn. no leather seating here, so it was easier to install without having to worry about lining up the protective mat. although, my car is significantly smaller, so it was tight to get in there and install it!

grabbing the carrier from the other car to check to see if it's okay

looking good....

yep! perfect! you should also make sure to clear out your car of random things because in an accident, things go FLYING. your car basically becomes a snow globe. wouldn't want something whipping baby in the face! so just stick everything extra laying around in the trunk. 

we also took our cars to the fire department to get the bases professionally inspected (something you should definitely do since 80% of people install their car seats incorrectly), and the guy was super impressed! he even mentioned how rare it is that he sees one correctly installed :) so YAY! he was really nice, and went over a TON of information for us on what's best for her while in the car, how tight to make the straps around her, cautioned us about her wearing winter coats in the car seat because you can't get the straps as tight, said to not buy those mirrors that allow you to watch the child while driving, and just a bunch of other really helpful information! it was nice :)

my parents got us the matching play yard, and we set it up in our bedroom this past week too! i originally wanted to just move her mini-crib from the nursery into the bedroom, and turn it into a co-sleeper next to the bed for easy late night feedings/changes (and also because we have an air conditioner unit in our bedroom since the rest of the upstairs gets HOT), but it became too difficult to do. luckily, the mattress from the crib fits absolutely PERFECTLY in the play yard with no gaps! 

no, kahlua! that is not a super sweet bed that we set up just for you! haha
erik added on the changing station which will be sooo nice in the middle of the night when i go to change her.

and i added on the aluminum foil so kahlua or sadie won't be sleeping on it before remi gets here lol...i've never tried this before, but i hear cats hate aluminum foil, so we'll see if this works! it has so far! he's wanted nothing to do with it for the rest of this past week!

we also finally installed the moon light above remi's crib in the nursery! we bought the "uncle milton moon in my room" light forever ago because it's PERFECT for inside the crib nook since i painted 4781297439816934 stars in there:

it took us forever to install it because we just never got around to switching out the light bulb that used to be there in the closet. the problem was that we had to take down the light bulb socket, and cap/cover up the wires since the electricity that goes to them is always live. so this past week, erik's dad helped us with it (he's an electrical engineer), capped off all the wires, and put a metal plate covering the hole where the socket was, so it wouldn't be dangerous anymore. YAY! 

now, the next problem was that this moon is meant to be hung on the wall, not the ceiling. well...we wanted it on the ceiling, so we had to make some adjustments! i just measured, and drew out a similar hole style on the other side of the moon so that it could be placed up with 2 screws instead of just 1:

this was the only spot on the back that we could dremel into because there are wires or batteries or other random things in the back in other places. below is a photo after erik carefully dremeled the hole! 

figuring out where to put the holes on the ceiling was a bit tough since there were two holes instead of the usual one, and they had to be EXACT or else the holes wouldn't match up and we wouldn't be able to attach it. so what i did was glob on some white toothpaste around where the holes were, then we centered it in the closet, and pressed up against the ceiling lightly, so we could see where the two holes were, then erik just put in the screws where the holes were!

we love this night light!!! it really completes the crib nook :)

it comes with a remote, so we can just turn it on easily with that. 

YAY! this was a really productive week!

in other news, i had a midwife appointment last tuesday, and my midwife thought remi could be breech.
i told her that remi used to always be on my right side (for months), and her kicks used to be really high, but just over the past week or so, i now felt movements on my left side, and at bellybutton height. her eyes widened as i told her this. she said, "well, let me feel around a bit and see if i can tell where she is". she felt my stomach for a bit, but couldn't tell for sure if she was head down or not. when she checked her heartbeat, it was by my belly button, and not below it, but she said that's not always a good determining factor on how the baby is facing. she also checked my cervix to see if i was dilating yet or not, because if i was, then she would see if she could feel remi's skull bones. obviously if she could feel them, then that would mean remi was head-down, but unfortunately i wasn't dilating yet :( sooooo...we scheduled an ultrasound for today to peek in and see how she was facing. on last thursday though, after 2 weeks of being in her new, possibly breech position, remi randomly moved back to her typical old position with kicking my upper right side again, so i was hopeful...but then yesterday, i felt her flip back to feet being on the lower left again. how can she move around so much in there??? doctors always say that by this point they pretty much stay put because there isn't that much room anymore! lol...apparently remi doesn't care because she is flipping around all over the place still trying to find the most comfortable spot. 

well, she is head-down! YAY!!! but she is certainly cramped in there! the tech said her body is in an "O" shape because she is so scrunched up in the fetal position. her feet are only about a few inches away from her face! she checked out everything else and remi is still perfectly healthy which is so wonderful to hear. heartbeat was 150, and right now she is estimated to be 6 lbs., 1 oz. which is a good range for week 37. my midwife said when they do estimates, it could be 1 lb. off in either direction, but she's looking good! here is a photo of her face (looking right at the "camera"). the tech said, "oh! she has long eyelashes!" hahaha...i had no idea you could SEE eyelashes on an ultrasound! but she said that when you can, that means they are long! erik and i both have long lashes, so i guess remi will too! here she is:

can't wait to see her in person!!!

oh! and here's the updated bump photo :)

closer and closer! :D